The School, Pampisford Road
Text Books - Library Books
Text Books - Library Books

Images and information supplied by Igor Andronov.

The school library had many reference and fictional works, but also included useful recreational texts.
Here is a library copy of 'Tuning for Speed', something every schoolboy needed if they had a motorbike.
This copy was obviously well used. In fact the book dates from 1960 and was being replaced by a new edition...
enlightenment indeed by the librarians who saw the need to keep up to date with important technological improvements.

(Click over the cover image to enlarge)

Tuning for Speed, by Phil Irving:

Click to enlarge

Inside, the return dates range from 17 Dec 1964 to 17 May 1965:

Click to enlargeReturn dates.

Inside the back cover is the card that was kept in the library when the book was borrowed:

Click to enlargeInside back cover.

Do you have any examples of CSTS library books? If so, images could be added to this page. Please contact Tim Ecott HERE.